From inference the clearer rendering reads;
"1. Church reform was carried out in ....... - ........ years.
2. Select from the list 3 reasons for church reform in the 17th century:
a) the death of Patriarch Filaret,
b) the state’s claim to the role of the “third Rome” - the center of Orthodoxy,
c) attempts to strengthen the influence of the church on the state,
d) the signing of the Florentine Union between the Byzantine patriarch and the pope,
e) discrepancies in the holy books and differences in rites.
3. A supporter of the correction of church books in accordance with Greek sources: a) Archpriest Habakkuk,
b) Patriarch Nikon,
c) Monk Nestor,
d) Patriarch Filaret.
4.Patriarch Nikon was defeated in the confrontation with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich because
a) Patriarch Nikon started reform without the consent of the tsar,
b) by the middle of the 17th century, the tsar’s power had noticeably increased,
c) the Old Believers were opposed to Nikon,
d) the patriarch Nikon was supported the pope.
5. The split is ........".