Constriction of pupil of left eye in response to entry of bright light in right eye.
The consensual response is a reflex response towards the intensity of light. When the right eye is exposed to the bright light, there is constriction of its pupil mediated by iris to regulate the amount of light entering the eye ball. However, at the same time, the pupil size of the left eye is also reduced to limit the amount of light entering the eye. This response of the left eye towards the exposure of the right eye for bright light is called consensual response.
In glycolysis, glucose—a six-carbon sugar—undergoes a series of chemical transformations. In the end, it gets converted into two molecules of pyruvate, a three-carbon organic molecule. In these reactions, ATP is made.
In order to conduct a research you should have an dependent variable, independent variable and the control variable. so in order to study phototropism, then you should need sun light and the growth of the plant and you must have a control that why you need a dark room.