New Books.
New Books.
The thing that makes me feel exuberant the most is getting a new book. New books give me immense excitement and joy especially when those books are the ones which I like to read. I love to read books about adventure and historical accomplishments but nevertheless almost every new book makes me exuberant.
The thought of a new book containing a multitude of information and experiences always makes me excited and anxious. Overall, I think it is the smell and sight of a new book, the experiences and information contained in it, and the journey I would soon vogage into makes me feel exuberant.
In “The Most Dangerous Game,” humans are described as the one animal that can reason, but humans fall for obvious tricks and are hunted like animals. Humans use the environment to their advantage, but sometimes the environment becomes a trap.
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It means the speakers mother has passed away
I hope this help : )
Option a. the beginning of a story, when the characters are introduced
Exposition is the insertion of the important background within a story. It is the process of scattering information through the text. Incluing is a technique in which the reader is gradually exposed to background information about the world in which the story is set. The idea is to clue the readers into the world the author is building them without being aware of it.