The three most notable differences that any user will notice between these two would be the following
- High-Resolution Display
- Specific Hardware (graphics tablet, camera, etc)
- Increased Speed
An individual that is working in a career in Animation needs a workstation that is capable of rendering animations which take lots of processing power. Therefore, the workstation would have to be high-end meaning that it will be much faster than a normal personal PC. Animation and Digital Design require a very High-Resolution display and specific hardware to allow you to bring your creations to life and make sure they look as beautiful as possible. All of this is not found in a normal personal PC either.
Excel Solver does not allow for the inclusion of greater than or equal to, less than or equal to or equal nomenclature as Excel will not recognize these.
nu it would not but if they call microsoft to check it then yez the history would show up for them but dont try to make it notice able so they dont have to call