b check your blind spots frequently i guess not sure
A single file can be used to record/ store all the information regarding a transaction because in a transaction there are less complexities. a simple transaction involves an exchange/communication between a buyer and a seller which involves exchange in finances between the buyer and the seller.
An employee can be involved in several activities like work activities and multiple transactions while a single inventory part record is different from an employee's record and any other form of transaction. hence separate files have to be created for each of these activities.
To have an easy access to this information when needed a master file is created to store all the individual files.
from left to right because it is used more in expressions
The answer is creates methods of moving files between computers and networks.
The IEFT is an open standard body that defines standard Internet protocols like TCP/IP and promotes and develops these protocols. It consists of a large community of operators, network engineers, and vendors concerned with the evolution of the smooth operation of the internet. When we talk about internet standards, we are talking about areas that have always been a major concern to the IEFT like Application, internet, routing, security, management and operational, and many others.