1. Requirements gathering/analysis.
2. Design.
3. Development.
4. Testing.
5. Maintenance.
They think of it as a spreadsheet
INSERT INTO InvoiceCopy (VendorID, InvoiceTotal, TermsID, InvoiceNumber, PaymentTotal, InvoiceDueDate, InvoiceDate, CreditTotal, PaymentDate) VALUES(32, 434.58, 2, ‘AX-014-027’, 0.00, ‘11/8/06’, ‘10/21/06’, 0.00, NULL)
The answer to this question can be described as follows:
The Pseudocode to this question can be described as follows:
start \\ start process
Declaration of variable
Input_File records.txt
Output_File result.txt
string author_Name
, title
int number_of_volume
open Input_File
open Output_File
input author_Name, title, number_of_volume from records.txt
while not eof \\ start loop and eof is end of file
output author_Name
output title
output number_of_volume
end while \\end loop
close records.txt \\close file
close results.txt \\close file
END \\end the code