when were young we dont need much to make us happy
because were all born with love
Our thirst is unquenchable.
Our feet are bleeding.
Our eyes are full of fear.
Our noses smell the death around us.
Our ears hear the sounds of the animals that could kill us all.
Our mouth would treasure something to eat.
Our soul is sad and healing seems so far away.
Our hearts are breaking for those we have had to leave behind.
Our legs are moving on their own, moving towards redemption.
Our Spirit is dim and we do not know where this can end.
He leads these boys to safety, attends college, and then goes back to make sure that his loved ones and others have access to clean water.
Bassanio's decision to choose the lead casket shows that one must not judge things or people by their appearance.
One modernist author who examined racism and oppression through a story of friendship between an Englishman and an Indian was E.M. Foster, in his most famous work, A Passage to India. The whole novel itself is about whether it will ever be possible for an Indian and an Englishman to become friends, given the circumstances in India after the British colonization. Written in 1924, the novel explores this theme, as well as many other subjects such as oppression and racism.