Domus meant home in Latin
The word domus is found in more languages than English like in some if not all Slavic languages dom meaning home.
Other words that have the same root in English would be domicile, domestically, domain.
Many languages were influenced by Latin since the Roman Empire conquered most of Europe, Anatolia and some parts of Africa.
Checks and balances
supreme court is granted power to overturn congressional laws that violate constitution. the courts however should exercise judicial constrain while doing that, to ensure the do not injure the principle of separation of power. usually they all restrain themselves to comparing whether the new law contradict the establishment clauses which would require a referendum, or the wording and legal process was followed. This ensures congress is checked.
The answer is D. because we have a democracy now and we vote for people so we are basically the government
C. Suburban It's just outside the city. So, suburban