Protagonist means main character
The protagonist is the main character of the story. Villains can be protagonists, just as heroes can be antagonists. The protagonist is not always the hero. That is why some writers prefer the "protagonist" over the word "hero". Villains could be the main characters of certain stories and heroes the antagonists. For example, "Macbeth" by Shakespeare. Macbeth was not the hero in that story. However, he was the main character.
Love makes people do crazy things
because he believes that after death he will be able to stay with Catherine.
In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff and Catherine can not be together. The death of the beloved Cathy shakes Heathcliff deeply and leaves him tormented by the situation. In addition, Catherine's ghost lives trying to establish contact with Heathcliff, but as much as he wants to see Catherine again, he can not see the ghost. Heathcliff loves Catherine unconditionally and believes that only death will allow them to be together, that's why he is calm with the proximity of his own death, because dead he will see catherine again.
1. Is she coming to the party?
2. Have they accepted the invitation?
3. Is it disgusting?
4. Are the players tired?
5. Is Rahul walking on his treadmill?
6. Will he be late for football practice?
7. Is she in the changing room?
8. Is the little girl playing with her doll?
9. Have I been to Manhattan?
10. Was she badly injured?
basically you need to find the subject (is, have, will, was, were, etc. and put it on the front of the sentence, followed by the question mark at the end