the best answer of work style is extremely flexible working on so many different projects require
professional image consists of personal appearance with regard to clothing ,grooming,manners and etiquette personal behaviour and communication effectiveness
Good result : Gregor now has food to eat
Bad result : Gregor's father is now in jail for abuse
Decreased shade variation of red color because no trait form is now advantageous.
Earlier females choose mates based on vibrant colors of male feathers, therefore, there was a selection pressure on males to evolve the trait so that they get their mate and pass their genes to the next generation.
So when females switched to other criteria other than feather color to get their mate then the importance of color trait gets reduced and the trait becomes non-advantageous for male cardinal.
Therefore due to this change, there is no longer necessity remained to evolve the color trait so the shade variation will decrease over time as now no trait form remained advantageous for this bird species.
non-count nouns:
astronomy, sunshine, intelligence, water, rain
count nouns:
computer, grammar, dictionary
The mass of the object and its speed.