A. adopt the Bill of Rights
During the United States Constitutional convention in 1787, the Federalists and Anti Federalists have opposing views on the need to have new construction.
The AntiFederalists concerns were that the new constitution may allow the new government to have more powers and affect the rights of individuals.
However, to win the Anti Federalists over, and ratify the Constitution, the AntiFederalists concerns were most directly addressed when the country finally "adopt the Bill of Rights"
The Centralists were generally conservative and favoured a strong central government in the viceregal tradition, a paid national army, and Roman Catholicism as the exclusive religion. The Federalists favoured limited central government, local militia, and nearly autonomous states; they tended to be anticlerical and opposed the continuance of colonial fueros, which gave special status to ecclesiastics and the military and exempted them from various civil obligations.
Manifest Destiny, Americans felt it was a "God-given" right.
The goal was to slowly withdraw American forces from Vietnam by training South Vietnamese forces to handle the responsibility of fighting the Communistic North Vietnam. It was used as a response to the anti-war protests made by many Americans.
It helped transport large numbers of troops to the battlefield. It helped break the stalemate of trench warfare. It made communications with officers on the front lines possible.