xXMonkey explains your answer!
The reason the passenger pigeon went extinct is because of the mass hunting that went on. The reason they were hunted was for their meat, which exploded in the market. Soon, their numbers started dwindling, and they were quickly approaching their demise.
Before long, the passenger pigeon was gone. The extinction of this species sent a ripple through the world. In a simple explanation, no more pigeons, no more pigeon meat. This was kind of the first step to conservation. The passenger pigeon, in a way, gave itself up for conservation and the protection of the other species. Thank you for reading.
Hope this helps. -xXMonkey
confident,bold,courageous or fearless
The word commit has different meaning, and I'll just list some of them: write something down (commit these ides to paper) pledge to some position, or to state what you stand on an issue (I asked if he was a participate, but he refused to commit himself.
3. to bind yourself, or to obligate ( commit yourself to a cause)
4. to entrust ( I commit myself to you)
5. to do something, perform an action (to commit murder) commit to custody (he was committed to prison)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
…and Goldilocks ran away from Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear and lived
happily ever after.
Question: What the literal meaning in the charge of the light brigade poem?
Answer: Let me redo this after reading it in more depth) It might actually be praising. In certain lines like "Stormed at with shot and shell.