"A research paper by a social historian that describes and analyzes African American pop culture in the early twentieth century." and "A research paper by a cultural historian that analyzes different jazz styles and how they developed."
It is difficult to imagine what life was like before human language. There are between five and six thousand languages in the world today, grouped into fewer than 20 language families. Languages are linked to each other by shared words, sounds, or grammatical constructions. There are two main branches of human language: Indo-European and Afro-Asiatic, each containing various language families. One theory states that the members of each of these linguistic groups descended from one "proto-language," a common ancestor. Experts believe these proto-languages may have been spoken as recently as a few thousand years ago. The majority of linguists believe the first "mother" language originated somewhere in Eurasia, although this is not known for certain.
Ancient Greek mythology taught that language was not a human invention at all, but a gift from the gods. According to modern philosophers and linguists, language likely began with the use of various imitative sounds that humans made to mimic the sounds of the world around them and express emotion. As this form of communication progressed, humans began connecting specific sounds to specific things and actions. This suggests that humans began to think in the abstract.
The ability to use words to symbolize abstract ideas is key to human adaptability and development of culture. Many linguists believe language developed in two phases. The first phase was through the use of verbal or gestural signs. Early humans probably used a form of signing much simpler than sign languages today to communicate. The second phase of language development employed formal syntax. Syntax refers to the patterns that govern the way words are combined to form phrases, and how phrases are then combined to form sentences. Being able to compose complete sentences improved precision and clarity in thought and communication for early humans. Some anthropologists believe that humans are born with a general language instinct. This neutral processing network contains a universal grammar for learning the meaning of words and speaking a language. This instinct gives human babies the ability to learn any language when they are born.
Hey:) how’s your day been
In what way was the empire of Ghana different from the later empire of Mali?
- Ghana was mostly animists, and Mali had a Muslim-following leadership.
What gave the Kingdom of Ghana a military advantage over its neighbors?
Which of the following is an accurate description of religious practices in Songhai?
- The people of Songhai practiced both traditional spiritual beliefs and Islam.
How did Mansa Musa elevate the standing of the Mali Empire in the world?
- His lavish pilgrimage to Mecca made the empire of Mali and its wealth widely known.
How did Sundiata contribute to the Mali Empire?
- He recaptured gold-producing areas of West Africa.
1. A an elector who cheated to become an elector
2. A house of representative
3. i'm not sure about but if anything its B Colorado or D Kentucky i would pick B Colorado