1707-1778- Carolus LinnaeusHedeveloped the two part naming system fororganisms, using the genus and species,known as scientific naming.1707-1788- Georges-Louis Leclerc,Comte de BuffonIn his writings, he notedthat different regions of the world havedistinct plants and animals, even when theyhave similar environments. This isconsidered to be the first principle ofbiogeography. Buffon also suggested thatspecies may have improved and degeneratedsince creation, and that the Earth is probablymuch older than the 6,000 years widelyaccepted at the time.1769-1832- Georges Cuvier- influencedby the writings of Buffon, Cuvier foundthat layers, or strata, in the Earth's rockeach represent a different period in theEarth's history.
thats all ik sorry
I think the answer is C sorry if i got i wrong.
The best way for adolescent to build and protect his or her bones is to ingest food products that are rich in calcium for it is known to make bones stronger. Another way is to be able to do exercise as a daily routine so that the bones are exercised every day to prevent bone disease, this will stenghten the bones and make them more stronger.
Carbohydrates may be defined as the polymers of the sugars and one of the most important biomolecule of the living organisms. Carbohydrates plays an important structural and functional role.
Carbohydrates are always present on the exoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane. The are present in the association with the proteins and lipids as glycoproteins and glycolipids. These carbohydrates acts as the signaling molecule that display information on cell surface.
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