Fue proclamada el 4 de julio de 1776, principalmente por Thomas Jefferson. Las Trece Colonias se querían independizar de Inglaterra porque, querían libertad para comercializar sus productos y liberarse de los impuestos de los artículos de consumo diario que debían pagar a Inglaterra.
Changes in the economy could lead to people experiencing negative effects on their daily activities in terms of job security which would be threa tened and put lower-skilled employees out of work and the standard of living will be affected as a result of any sort of economic melt-down.
Certain individuals such as young people, factory workers, and unskilled workers will experience neg ative st rain on their work-life such as losing their jobs because factories, company, industries, and large corporations would want to decease their expense by laying off staff ( as seen in today's economy as a result of the pademic ), many workers received only small wage increases, expe rienced cut(s) in benefits and companies might decide to hired temporary or contract employees instead of having a full time worker.
NATO was formed in 1949 as a military defense among some of the countries of the free (non-communist) world. Today, it guarantees military assistance to any country that is a part of NATO in case of an international attack on the scale of a war. So, it would probably be good for the US to stay involved in NATO, even just as a precaution in case of an attack from another country, and also to help other countries if they are attacked. Hope this helps!