1: saving money means being responsible and understanding that being wasteful with money will negatively impact your future, so it is best to just save a much money as possible.
2: to live comfortably, incase of emergency, can take trips, have money for bills, and you can experience luxuries.
Pride and Defiance
The tone of the poem is pride and defiance. It speaks of a racial divide in America that white people are perfectly content to ignore. Sending the speaker to the kitchen to eat can be symbolic of segregation, but also of America's desire to ignore the race problem. Kind of like out of sight and out of mind.
the last two use parallel structure because it repeats the words "our" and " your"
Frankenstein hates his notorious creation right from the start. Far from pushing the boundaries of science as he'd originally intended, he ended up creating a hideous monster which he finds instantly repulsive.
My own definition of family straight from the heart:
Family is home ,love,joy and so much more. Blood doesn't define family ,only love ,care and support. Family doesn't care what you look like or smell like, they love you despite all your flaws and weaknesses. Always there for you in good and bad times. They tell you how beautiful or handsome you are even when the whole world thinks you're ugly.
That's family to me