Here is what I got:
Women: cannot get an education, not as many rights as men
Children: some went to schools (richer kids), while most helped out their family
Indentured Servants: had to work for a long period of time for their master to pay off their debt of their master paying for their passage to the new nation
Slaves: Were treated like property such as coffee mugs, had close to no rights, had to obey their master
Native Americans: some tried to make peace with the newcomers, but most natives got their land taken away
Working Class: Had okay lives, they could not participate in government, had more rights than indentured servants or slaves
Hopefully my answers helped you!
Answer: The Industrial Revolution and the Space Race
The Industrial Revolution: Transformed economies that had previously been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system (more efficient). New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient and allowed further innovation in all facets of life.
Space Race: Changed how humanity understood and interacted with the wider universe; led to vast advancements in travel, weaponry, science, astronomy, and now economy as private companies are working on space trips using technology and knowledge learned during the Space Race.
Getting a job right after high school sounds like a good idea, however, you are limited to certain low-paying to medium-paying jobs, and it is mostly manual working jobs.
hope this helps
It was difficult for women to get rights especially for voting because men were often viewed as superior against women and smarter. Often times in the past women weren't even allowed to go to school after a while. It is still that way in some countries. This probably didn't help much but if I could get the passage I could be more helpful.