This famous quote, found in Chapter 10 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, is said by the character Miss Maudie.
Starting Chapter 10, Miss Maudie talks about killing a mockingbird being a sin. This metaphor will refer throughout the rest of the tale to the victimization of innocent ones, specially while talking about the unjust trial made off Tom Robinson.
Miss maudie said the following text when Atticus asked her about his father.
"Mockingbirds don't do one thing except make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corn cribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird."
In to Kill a Mockingbird from Harper Lee, she develops a dialogue between to characters in which one of them said to another one that phrase after a huge event happened and the character that said these words wanted to give a piece of advice to the character who got these words as an answer because he had made many mistakes that guided him to suffer negative implications from them.
suggesting that law and justice are different concepts; rather, he argues that the law often hinders the pursuit of true justice. ... In other words, it's the obligation of every moral person to break the law when the law is immoral.