Answer:Following is the C program:-
#include <stdio.h>
int fun()//function fun of return type int and it returns value 6.
return 6;
int main() {
int a, b;
a = 10;
b = a + fun();//adds 6 to a.
printf("With the function call on the right, ");
printf("\n%d ",b);//printing b..
return 0;
With the function call on the right,
The function fun return the value 6 so it adds 6 to a and stores the result in b.
Answer:something you gotta do on your own
Answer: /sbin
In Linux, FHS describes the directory content and the way in which Operating System files are displayed to the user.
/sbin is a directory that contains executable programs. s/bin is the short form of system binaries. System binaries require root rights to perform specific tasks. /sbin contains binaries that are crucial to boot the system and also to recover and restore the system. /bin directory also contains the commands to boot the system but the main difference between both is that /sbin programs can only be executed by the root user. Examples are fdisk, fsck, root,halt, init, grub, ifconfig.
D I think because none of the others seem like very important things,
i woud love to help but i dont understand the language