A organism adapts to its environment by using stuff like a long layer of blubber on walruses and polar bears in the artic
No. However, energy is required for facilitated diffusion. Also without the membrane, the cell would collapse and wouldn't be able to function.
Xenopus laevis is allotetraploid: it has 2 sets of homologous chromosomes originally from one species and 2 sets of homologous chromosomes originally from another species, making a total of 4 sets of chromosomes. During meiosis, every chromosome has another homologous one with which it can pair, producing viable gametes that have the complete genetic information of the species.
Mules, however, are allodiploid: they have one set of chromosomes from a donkey and another set from a horse, making a total of 2 sets of chromosmes. But those two sets are not homologous, so during meiosis the chromosomes can't pair and the gametes will have errors that make them inviable, making mules sterile
<span>The high surface tension helps the paper clip - with muchhigher density - float on the water. The property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force, due to the cohesive nature of its molecules.</span>
There are four bases in DNA, and they combine in a specific way. Adenine pairs with thymine, and guanine pairs with cytosine.