shawty why you delete my message, im jus tryna get the snap ya feel me
Vascular Neurologist
Vascular Neurologist, are professionals who take care of stroke patients. They are also referred to as physician by non medical professionals.
Parole is a term used to refer to a process of releasing a prisoners before the sentence is complete and this is done under particular conditions. When someone has been paroled they need to abide by official supervision which is provided by parole officers.
If the given conditions are violated the prisoner will go back to prison.
Common condition are that the prisoner may be required to get a job and keep it, to not use drugs or drink alcohol, be not in close contact with their victim , not break any law and always report to their assigned parole officer.
The unsuccessful August 1991 coup against Gorbachev sealed the fate of the Soviet Union. Planned by hard-line Communists, the coup diminished Gorbachev's power and propelled Yeltsin and the democratic forces to the forefront of Soviet and Russian politics.
d. Rational, technical expertise rather than emotional ideology or public participation.
In the philosophy of bureaucratic authoritarianism, the head of the state is governed by the top bureaucrats.
Under bureaucratic authoritarianism, the military bureaucracy as well as the state bureaucracy comes together and they believe that the problems prevailing in the country can be solved consulting and communicating with the rational people and the technical experts of the society.
The State should not follow the emotional ideology to solve the problems which may led to uncertain consequences. Also taking help of the public participation to solve may arises many differences to the solution as many people will give varying solutions to the problems. The best way suited is to take the help of the technical experts and the rational people.
Thus the answer is
d. Rational, technical expertise rather than emotional ideology or public participation.