Your blood pressure will increase temporarily when you are stressed.
Answer - Medical assistant ensure the quality of laboratory testing is by
1. Draw Blood when Doctor orders upon blood work
2. They process samples by making sure the packaging and shipping process get to the right location in proper areas.
Reasoning - These are few of the reasons of what medical assistant do when drawing blood and taking measures towards to securing a safe package to destination of the areas.
What causes disorders such as Klinefelter syndrome and Turner syndrome ?
- non disjunction of sex chromosomes
Turner syndrome, and Klinefelter syndrome constitute the most common chromosomal abnormalities.
In males, the presence of an extra x-chromosome (47, XXY) results in a condition known as Klinefelter syndrome.
- type of sex chromosome abnormality Klinefelter syndrome
MRI reactions to tattoos can be fatal, as they hinder the machine. This can cause first degree burns and is often over-looked!
I believe the first one you must talk to should be your mom or dad.