The base word of "contradiction" is dict.
Meaning to say something.
We need to complete the sentence by filling up the blank space and we are given with two choices, either we choose "won't" or "wo'nt". This problem is a matter of English knowledge and we know that there is no such word as wo'nt so we will not choose this. Therefore, the correct answer is the option "won't" which can be also written as will not, it just the same won't and will not. To complete the sentence, we have it below:
Native plants are kept in check by surrounding community of plants and animals, so the native plants won't be invasive.
When odysseus first wakes up in ithaca, he thinks that the phaecians fooled him, placed him on the wrong island, and stole some of his treasure. he curses them because of this. odysseus believed he was placed on the wrong island because athena made ithaca look different so he wouldn't recognize it.
What story i am confused.
Are you speaking about the Greek mythology?