There are two fruit trees located at (4,0) and (−4, 0) in the backyard plan. Maurice wants to use these two fruit trees as the focal points for an elliptical flowerbed. Johanna wants to use these two fruit trees as the focal points for some hyperbolic flowerbeds. Create the location of two vertices on the y-axis. Show your work creating the equations for both the horizontal ellipse and the horizontal hyperbola. Include the graph of both equations and the focal points on the same coordinate plane.
The school is in rocky mountain cave.They are studing about the history or nature.
I am not sure but i think ,,this is true answer
They should choose the last door which read spen ded glen because the other two read lowe ater leading to deep of sea and other read comb u stion leading to fire.
The story talks about two people who are trapped under ground and want to escape in to the world back after being trapped for a long period of time. So to their escape, elf came and told them about three doors out of which one would help them move out safely.
They now had to decide very carefully after thinking which door to choose out of the three with which they could move out.
The response should indicate an awareness that a formal interpretation would focus on the structure, literary elements, and devices in the poem, while a biographical interpretation would focus on the author's life and movitations.
Cappella music is always played with the voices of one singer or others without musical instruments accompanying them. I hope this helps!