B. Michelangelo is the sculpture.
Upton Sinclair said that it was C. Dirty and Unsafe
Thomas Hobbes' ideas were a proclamation in defense of modern absolute monarchy. In his book, "Leviathan", wrote in 18 century, he uses the metaphor of a biblical maritime monster in order to show the importance of a powerful state that governs different sectors of society. This monster-the state-, he argues, is the result of the social contract between individuals, made in order to avoid the state of nature in which humans behave in a barbaric and savage way: <em>Homo homini lupus</em> (man is a wolf to man). These ideas were fundamental to the development of the modern concepts of state and sovereignty. Because of the value he gave to absolute monarchy as a form of a strong state, his ideas were rooted in royalty's claim of a divine right to rule.
On the other hand, John Locke is considered the father of liberalism, since in his philosophy he stressed the importance of freedom of individuals to work the land, to have property and the relevance of religious tolerance in a time of constant religious war. He was an essential thinker of early capitalism and his work was fundamental for the future development of American political and economic system.
The answer is Began trade with England and created the lord/vassal system