Answer: The beloved children's story, “One Fish, Two Fish,” is the tale of differences. The revered Dr. Seuss uses his imaginary creatures to teach children about accepting differences. This leads to Seuss' theme of acceptance.
Geography is primarily spatial and environmental and history is temporal. ... Geographical attributes such as river, mountains barriers, landforms, climate phenomena are natural foundations upon which the edifices of human history at any time or in any geographical regions are erected.
Advantages: Primary sources directly address your topic and often provide information that is unavailable elsewhere. For example, the questions you compose for an interview or a survey will likely target your unique interest in the topic. Similarly, to test a particular hypothesis, you can design your own experiment.
Disadvantages: Some primary sources, such as eyewitness accounts, may be too close to the subject, lacking a critical distance. Others, such as interviews, surveys, and experiments, are time consuming to prepare, administer, and analyze. Finally, unless you have been trained in accepted methodologies, your own primary research in certain fields of study may not be recognized as valid.
Map shows when the states ratified<span> the </span>19th amendment<span> to the U.S. Constitution giving women the right to vote. The </span>approval<span> of thirty-six </span>states<span> was</span>needed to ratify<span> the </span>amendment<span>; Tennessee became the thirty-sixth on August 18, </span>1920<span>, fourteen months after Congress </span>had passed<span> it.</span>
t's believed that the failure of France to put down a slave revolution in Haiti, the impending war with Great Britain and probable British naval blockade of France – combined with French economic difficulties – may have prompted Napoleon to offer Louisiana for sale to the United States.