Though there's no question in the statement above I would assume that you are asking about the pH of the water that is acidic. The correct statement would be:
Any liquid that has a pH less than 7 is called acidic, a pH above 7 is basic or alkaline.
The water in the swimming pool has a high acid concentration due to the chlorine which causes the effect of redness in the eyes.
The Earth has got its tilted axis and this is the reason for different seasons to be formed. Communities are a set of population found in that particular area and are of two types.
A) Terrestrial (Land)
B) Aquatic (Water).
These communities to flourish need a perfect environment with a perfect season. Hence according to the season formed due to the tilted axis influences the terrestrial community which forms in that particular region and have the ability for the region specific community growth.
The terrestrial community of a tundra or desert or rain forest all depends on the particular season that can be formed due to the position of the earth facing the sun.
The answer is a person removes their hand after touching a hot stove and a person turns their head toward the source of loud noise.
External stimuli are factors outside of the body that is taken in by receptors and will lead to a response. Examples of external stimuli include temperature changes, vision, hearing, tasting, smelling, and even sunlight for plants.
Learn more about External stimuli here:
The substances used in the beginning of a chemical reaction are called the reactants and the substances found at the end of the reaction are known as the products.
the shadows are called umbra and penumbra