Absolute age is defined as the numeric age of fossils.
To identify the absolute age of a fossil, the amount of certain radioactive elements in the rock are measured. When fossils are formed in the rocks, a small amounts of radioactive elements is included in it. The process to identify age of fossil using radioactive elements is known radiometric dating. So, radioactive isotope and its decay product gives absolute age of fossils.
Hence, the correct answer is "D".
Policy-makers have two broad types of instruments available for changing consumption and production habits in society. They can use traditional regulatory approaches (sometimes referred to as command-and-control approaches) that set specific standards across polluters, or they can use economic incentive or market-based policies that rely on market forces to correct for producer and consumer behavior. Incentives are extensively discussed in several EPA reports
Two basic types of traditional regulatory approaches exist. The first, a technology or design standard, mandates specific control technologies or production processes that polluters must use to meet an emissions standard. The second, a performance-based standard, also requires that polluters meet an emissions standard, but allows the polluters to choose any available method to meet that standard. Performance-based standards that are technology-based, for example, do not specify a particular technology, but rather consider what available and affordable technologies can achieve when establishing a limit on emissions. At times, EPA may completely ban or phase out the use or production of a particular product or pollutant, as it has done with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and certain pesticides. Regulations can be uniform or can vary according to size of the polluting entity, production processes, or similar factors. Regulations are often tailored in this manner so that similar regulated entities are treated equally. MARK AS BRAINLIEST IF IT HELPS
Sea floor sediment provide an invaluable key to past climate change. Finely varved sediments from areas of rapid deposition provide a high-resolution record of past climate variation, and volcanic ash layers contribute to the comprehensive study of climate change on relatively short timescales. Oceanographers like to say that we know more about the dark side of the Moon than we do about the oceans. That statement is doubly true of the seafloor. Although modern technology has allowed us to learn more about the seafloor, vast regions remain unexplored. Scuba divers can only dive to about 40 meters and they cannot stay down there for very long. Although this is good for researching the organisms and ecosystems very near a coast, most oceanic research requires accessing greater depths.
A. will not change from generation to generation.
For a population in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, allele frequencies do not change from generation to generation and remain constant. This occurs when:
-The population is large enough.
-Individuals of the population exhibit random mating
-No evolutionary force (natural selection, mutation, gene flow, etc.) is operative on the population.
Under these conditions, the allele frequencies of the population are not changed and the population is said to be in "Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium".