1. Measure 1 Beat 1: C
Measure 2 Beat 1: A
Measure 4 Beat 1: G
2. E C G C E C G C
the rest
3. B natural. Raises the Bb (from the key signature) a half-step.
4. Piano (soft).
5. Staccato. Played short with quick release.
6. Decrescendo. Gets softer over the course of the length of the symbol. This one starts with Forte.
7. F major.
d. goddesses were usually portrayed as wise or plentiful
The principles of design are harmony, variety, balance, proportion, emphasis, and rhythm. Harmony creates the impression of unity. Typically directors and designers seek to harmonize the parts of each setting or costume and to relate the various settings and costumes in such a way that all are clearly parts of a whole.
It describes the relationship of the lowest notes to the other notes in the chord. For instance, a C-major triad contains the tones C, E, and G; its inversion is determined by which of these tones is the lowest note (or bass note) in the chord. They allow for smoother bass lines and melodies. They give texture and tone to the music. In classical music, different chord inversions have different functions.