Assuming this isn't a multiple choice question, warning signs of someone needing the help of a mental health professional would be:
- Talk of sui/cide. This can include jokes, hints, talking about wanting to die, etc.
- Distancing themselves from loved ones and friends.
- Sleeping too little or too much.
- Giving away possessions.
- Mood swings.
- Talk of feelings of hopelessness, feeling like a burden, etc.
- A history of sui/cidal behavior.
- Losing interest in things they once enjoyed.
I hope this helped!
"The Storm" is one of the most famous short stories that was written in the year 1898 by the author named, Kate Chopin. It is about a love story about two person, Calixta and Alcee.
The author uses many symbols to represents and plots his story. One such symbols is the 'storm'. It is the main symbol of the story. It mainly represents the sexual drive of Alcée and Calixta and their repercussions because of this drive. The 'rain' is also used as a symbol in this story. It symbolizes and introduces the adulterous affair between the two. The rain starts falling when Alcee arrive sand it stops as he moves away. Other symbols used are the name of the place, Assumption, the colors white, red, green, etc.
The setting placed in this story tries to create the perfect environment for an adulterous affair. In “The Storm”, by Kate Chopin, Chopin not only wishes to create the perfect setting but she also uses her setting as the symbol of the affair. The storm and the sexual passion of Calixta and Alcée are both potentially destructive. The storm's destructive act which lead the two protagonists to have sex, it will most likely to have a destructive effect to their marriages.
Kate Chopin uses the word 'storm' as a metaphor as it sets the mood of the setting of the story and also it symbolizes its potential destructive nature which may ruin the marriage life of both Alcee and Calixta.
3. Offended and disappointed have negative connotations. They’re not good. Satisfied is content, it’s more neutral. Delighted is highly positive.
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If you don’t have the name use some variation of, "Dear Software Team Hiring Manager." You can also use, "Dear Hiring Manager"