Traditionally, indigenous comes from the Latin word indigena (indu/endo: in/within + gignere: to beget (to procreate or generate). But here we are simply looking at roots. The root words here are -gen (something produced, and by extension, birth) and -ous (possessing/full of), and that combination is not an option, it seems. HOWEVER, it is not uncommon for suffixes to have more than one meaning, and this is no exception. -ous also means 'having, full of, or characterized by', meaning your answer is the second option, 'the word root “gen” means “birth,” and the suffix “-ous” means “having the quality of something.”'
A) the story uses human characters.
Algorithm jobs are the computer programs that run the world
A nickname is a name that only close people can call someone, or they prefer the nickname to be their public name.
Doing is an action of making your body doing something hands on or online whilst thinking along the way.
Making is where you are in the process of combining things to make an item