Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, one of the founders of dialectics as a method of finding the truth by posing leading questions - the so-called Socratic method. He was accused of “worshiping new deities” and “corrupting the youth” and sentenced to death (he took the poison).
He stated his teaching orally; the main source is the works of his students Xenophon and Plato. According to Socrates, the goal of philosophy is self-knowledge as a way to comprehend the true good; virtue is knowledge, or wisdom. For subsequent ages, Socrates became the embodiment of the ideal of the sage.
Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher - a student of Socrates - about 387 founded a school in Athens. Ideas (the highest among them is the idea of good) are eternal and immutable intelligible prototypes of things, of all transient and changeable being; things are the likeness and reflection of ideas. Cognition is an anamnesis - the remembrance of the soul about the ideas that it contemplated before it connected with the body. Love for the idea (Eros) is the motive for spiritual ascent. An ideal state is a hierarchy of three estates: wise rulers, warriors and officials, peasants and artisans. Plato intensively developed dialectics and outlined the scheme of the basic stages of being developed by Neoplatonism.
Aristotle - an ancient Greek thinker, student of Plato, mentor of Alexander the Great. His contribution to science is invaluable. For over 2 millennia, philosopher scientists have been using the conceptual apparatus he created; his ideas formed the basis of the natural sciences. Aristotle divides the sciences into theoretical, the purpose of which is knowledge for the sake of knowledge, practical and "poetic" (creative). Theoretical sciences include physics, mathematics, and the “first philosophy” (it is also a theological philosophy, which was later called metaphysics). To practical sciences, he included ethics and politics (it is also the science of the state). One of the central teachings of Aristotle's “first philosophy” is the doctrine of the four causes, or principles.
The shift from hunting and gathering to farming changed the life and cultures of the Native Americans greatly.
Once they started with the farming, the Native Americans started to have a settled life. That meant the building of permanent houses, and the abandoning of the constant migrations throughout the countryside.
The fact that they started to produce enough food for themselves and also have reserves, meant that they also had more time to focus on other things. They started to create pottery, to develop the art, live more peaceful lives.
That was a big step forward compared to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and culture, which was mostly based on survival from day to day, as well as constant battles for better hunting grounds with other tribes.
The answer is below
Utilitarianism is a philosophical belief that supports the idea that happiness and pleasure is the ultimate thing to live for while not in support or agreement of harmful situations or policies.
In other words, Utilitarianism is a belief that supports society's values that are established on happiness.
It focuses on three main principles which are:
1. Happiness is the goal of all actions
2. Situation is right if it leads to
3. All the people involved in a situation should experience Happiness.
They stop the Germans advance in Stalingrad
This is correct because correct is what it is