The unusual about the way shield came to be ruler of the danes is that he is a foundling, abandoned as a baby and turn out to be such a successful king. His funeral was an outstanding and splendid where it was held in the ship at sea and he is bounded by weapons and massive treasure with a gold woven banner.
Civilizations developed around rivers because their waters provided places to hunt and fish.
Also, as the rivers flooded, the lands around them became fertile. This allowed them to support farming.
In addition, because they provided a steady supply of drinking water.
Moreover, goods and people could be transported easily
Finally, River valleys not only have water, they also often have a broad, flat floodplain that is readily adapted to agriculture.
The sign that says Human Rights.
The Military and Baseball images have nothing to do with racism and the two hands are reaching for each other as if two different races were agreeing on something or are going to do stuff together instead of fighting. The Human Rights sign makes the most sense because there was a lot of segregation and all people deserve the same rights as white people.