With CIDR (Common Internet Domain Routing), the first decimal number isn't important any more. The /24 netmask means that there's one octet (256) numbers that aren't part of the network number. The .0 address is the network number itself and .255 is the broadcast address of the network, so that leaves 254 available node numbers, but one of those has to be a router or else the machines can't communicate with other networks.
A. Improving human resource management by offering more information to employees about available services, from annual leave arrangements to retirement plans.
e-commerce is a short for electronic commerce and it can be defined as a marketing strategy that deals with meeting the needs of consumers, by selling products or services to the consumers over the internet.
This ultimately implies that, e-commerce is strictly based on the buying and selling of goods or services electronically, over the internet or through a digital platform. Also, the payment for such goods or services are typically done over the internet such as online payment services.
Some of the benefit of introducing an e-commerce solution to an organisation's includes;
I. Improving internal communication by offering various means for exchanging information with minimum effort and cost.
II. Reducing the personalisation of services.
III. Supporting purchasing functions by offering responsive pricing models based on the analysis of market status.
You most likely lost 1000 points because you cheated to get them if not there is a possibility you were.
Charles Babbage
Analytical engines were presumed to be the first general-purpose computer which was designed sometime in the 19th century by Charles Babbage - a British mathematician and inventor. A series of punch cards was used by Charles Babbage in his design of the engine. These punch cards were used for various operations such as arithmetical operations, numerical constants and other operations such as load and store.
<em>Hope this works!</em>