It is known that a good credit score generally comes from a history of managing money responsibly. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t borrow money though; in fact, companies often like to see a track record of timely payments and sensible borrowing. In Leon's case, he has no dealings with credit cards as he makes all his transaction with physical cash; therefore he has no credit score in any way.
Leon has to work towards improving his poor credit score or need to build up credit history from nothing.
I think you’re referring to the competitive equilibrium price
c. 10%
The Yield to Maturity(YTM) of the Bond is the cost of the debt. So, we need to find the YTM first.
Here i will use a Financial Calculator to enter and compute the YTM as follows :
N = 20× 2 = 40
PMT = ($1,000 × 8%) ÷ 2 = $40
PV = $828
P/YR = 2
FV = 1,000
I or YTM = ?
Thus the cost of the Bond is 10%
Dr land $278,000
Dr building $347,500
Dr equipment $556,000
Dr inventories $208,500
Cr cash $1,390,000
The total amount spent in acquiring the assets is $1,390,000 which needs to be shared between the assets acquired on the basis of individual values of the assets
Total of individual assets' values=$304000+$380000+ $608000+$228000=$ 1,520,000.00
Cost attributable to land:$304000/$1520000*$1,390,000=$ 278,000.00
Cost attributable to Building:$380000/$1520000*$1390000=$ 347,500.00
cost attributable to equipment=$608000/$1520000*$1390000=$556,000.00
cost attributable to inventories=$228000/$1520000*$1390000
Answer:Yes, the Manager made an error.
Increasing the revenue of a firm depends on two factors which are price and effective demand. An increase in price without a fall in demand will increase revenue, an increase in demand without a fall in price will equally increase revenue.
However when manipulating price only in order to increase revenue care must be taken to ensure same or higher level of demand for an increase in price which lead to a fall in demand may boomerang for the firm.
Year. $ Price. Demand. Revenue$
1. 5. 100. 500
2. 6. 80. 480
The above illustrate an increase in price without a rise or maintaining the same level of demand leads fall in revenue.