The answer is Eurasia, North America, Africa, and South America.
The Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)region gets the most direct sunlight at any given period in time. This in turn causes air to be unstable with a drop in pressure and rise of air which cools and condenses into clouds to form precipitation causing the wet season in the tropics.
In this region, the sun is directly or almost overhead as seen during summer periods in the tropics.
Only in areas of the North and South of the ITCZ known as doldrums which at times are parallel to the ITCZ do we have high pressure that aren't conducive to precipitation causing dry season in the tropics.
In the ITCZ zone, we also have the tropical rain forests along the equator with huge amount of all round rain for the year.
Along the equator, on either side of the rain forests we have the dry and wet forests with the savannah to the North of this region and the southern hemisphere to the south of these forests since these forests are seen mostly in the ITCZ than the savannahs.
Rain shadows and ocean cueeebts may at times cause some savannahs to be along the equator and some rain forests -wet and dry forests- to be positioned further form the equator.
The small intestine is the longest part of alimentary canal with a length of 4.5 to 7 m and narrow in width, while the large intestine is the hinder-most part of the alimentary canal with a length of 1.5 m. it called the large intestine because it has a width of 4-6 cm. Also in the large intestine circular folds are absent while its present in the small intestine.
Petroleum gas is mainly C3 and C4 based (propane and butane), whilst natural gas is predominantly C1 and C2 (methane and ethane). Petroleum gas is generally produced via the cracking of naphtha, which is one of the components separated during crude oil refining.
The lake on titan was evaporated, it evaporated because at that time titan was going through summer.