A high rate of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is resulted from nonuse of condoms.
This is usually true for gay men, however, there are a lot of cases with straight people transferring HIV because they didn't use condoms during sex. This should be avoided at any cost, if you want to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the transfer of various STDs.
the domestic price of sugar will increase to $125.
Since the world price of sugar is higher than the domestic price, domestic producers of sugar will export their products in order to earn a higher profit. That will eventually lead to an increase in the equilibrium price from $100 (former equilibrium price) to a higher price equal to the world price ($125).
<span>According to Roosevelt, good trust
stayed within reasonable bound whereas, "bad" trust hurt societies
general welfare. Roosevelt insisted that it was essential to make the
distinction between the two because he had a strong preference to regulate
corporations for the public welfare rather than destroy them.</span>