There are 5 uppercase vowels (A..E..I..O..U..) and 21 uppercase constonants( 26 letters in the alphabet minus the 5 vowels) and 9 non zero numbers.
5×21×9= 945
anwer is D . round characters
- It emphasizes the extent of Capulet's grief.
In Act IV Scene V of Romeo and Juliet, Capulet represents demise as he sees his little girl's body. Capulet discusses demise being his "child in-law," for instance, and "his beneficiary." For Capulet, death resembles a lucky man who has taken Juliet away and made her his lady of the hour.
The boys in my school speaks good English.
2. Before the rain comes, the clouds usually dark
3. This candle brighten up the whole room.
4. Please fill this bottle with water.
5. Our teacher tells us a story every day.
6. His sister can sing well.
7. “Don’t sharp your pencil here,” said the teacher.
8. You should always breathe through your now
9. Can you loosethis? It’s too tight.
10. Did you saw anyone passing by just now?
There are many different types of careers you can study for...
Lawyer, Doctor, or Teacher but if you arent looking to go to college maintenance, waiter or waitress, or sales.