The Four characteristics of a good tax are:
- <em>Equity:</em>:Taxes should be fair, and certain taxes should be given to taxpayers with similar characteristics.Could be on ability to pay. Example: Height tax is unfair.
- <em>Non-Distortionary:::</em>Taxes should not affect economic behavior.For example, they should not be so high that they discourage people from working.
- <em>Certainty::</em>People and firms should know when atax should be paid (and how much).<em> </em>Taxes should be stable, so that people and firms can plan their finances<em>.</em>
- <em>Convenience::</em>It must be simple and easy for people and firms to pay their taxes on a regular basis.<em> </em>For example, income taxes are collected by employers on a monthly basis from the salaries of the workers.
Explanation Answer:
Through that long, hot summer in Philadelphia, great ideas from the past would. One of the political philosophers who influenced the framers was an ancient Greek, Aristotle. A noted Greek school headed at the time by the famous philosopher Plato.
Made money and helped the economy create things with paper such as books and other paper products
In response to the growing use of violence and intimidation against African-Americans, Congress enacted the Enforcement Act of 1870. This legislation prohibited groups of people from going in disguise or engaging in activities that would violate the rights of citizens. Unfortunately, this legislation did not prevent harassment of African-Americans in certain areas.