The correct answer is the James-Lange theory of emotion.
The James-Lange theory of emotion states that emotions are the result of a series of physiological processes. They state that certain enviromental events that are relevant to the individual activates a series of physiological processes of the autonomic system that in turn elicit emotional responses in the individual.
So, the indivual first perceive an external stimulus. 2- Said stimulus leads to a physiological response and in the end 3- an emotional reaction is elicited by the individual.
In conclusion, the theory of emotion that suggests that you experience the emotion as a consequence of some specific activation of the autonomic nervous system is called the James-Lange theory of emotion.
Validity is the statistical term. It was formulated by Kelly. He told that the test will be valid when it measures what it claims to be measured.
For example, a test of personality will measure personality. A test in intelligence will measure the intelligence of a person rather than a personality. There is a distance between the external validity and internal validity. Different types of validity measure the test.
According to the Mayan culture, he says that Hunab Ku, the great creator, pronounced "let the world be made" and the universe was produced; Until then there was only a perpetual and infinite sky and sea facing one another. Hunab Ku created the gods to not be alone, and they made the world. Thus the earth, the trees and the sun arose, but they did not speak. Then they devised animals of all kinds, but these also did not have the gift of speech and, consequently, they could not venerate the gods. They decided then to create man.
For the Yoruba, Olorum, the god of heaven, asked his children to create a new kingdom in which their descendants extended, giving it the name of Ile-Ife. being the first waters his target, by this chain Oduduwa lowered, carrying a handful of earth in his pockets, a hen with five fingers and a seed. When he was ready, Oduduwa threw the handful of earth over the waters, thus forming his new kingdom, Ife. There, the chicken tore the ground and buried the seed, from which grew a large tree of sixteen branches, which are the sixteen sons of Oduduwa, from whom the sixteen Yoruba tribes descend.
For the Incas, the peoples of the central Andes understood the origins of each town in isolation as divine apparitions from some natural event known as pacarina. The origin of man falls substantially in the two sons of the Sun, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, who left Lake Titicaca and gave rise to the Incas of Cuzco, who -according to the legend of the Ayar brothers- believed that their people had emerged from the hill of Tampu Tocco.
The rise of organized baseball after the Civil War led to early attempts to segregate the sport. The National Association of Amateur Base Ball Players rejected African-American membership in 1867, and in 1876, owners of the professional National League adopted a “gentleman’s agreement” to keep blacks out. Subsequent African.