I most contexts, no. It can be considered an error if viewed from a programmer's perspective, because a bug is viewed as an error in the code of a program. If it is not viewed from a similar perspective, then it is not a synonym. Thesaurus.com can be a helpful place for you.
14.D this is the best answer
As to number 13 I cannot answer because I don’t know anything about their interaction
Robert Frost's poem has the structure of a lyric poem. If you think about it, this poem could be put to some music and be sung, just like song lyrics.
B. A ship is compared to a book.
Emily instigates the eager verse sweethearts through this ballad to take on verse for the delight of perusing which conveys you to removed spots envisioned by the person. It is a piece of provocation for the poem lovers who love to read.
In the poem, a book is the best and most feasible arrangement or choice to flutter or journey as opposed to a ship. It is to some degree near sleep-walking. Emily further proceeds to state that no more war-ponies are there which could divert somebody to far spots. The pages of a book are reasonable and they can convey one to far off spots with their moving content in contrast with those costly steeds. She gives a reasonable sign of her emotions towards the mistreated class. Further on she offers a chance to the poor who can undoubtedly through the lines of book cross all over without being charged a solitary penny. At last, she closes saying that the book fills in as the most affordable and reasonable chariot which conveys the human personality and soul to far off spots.