Lunar tides: They are the tides due to the gravitational attraction on the masses of water and with respect to the distance that separates from the Moon.
Solar tides: The Sun causes the rise of two opposite waves, however, as the Sun is far from Earth, its force is less than the Moon. The result is the sum of the forces of the Moon and the Sun is a wave formed by two crests,
Live tides: It occurs when the attraction of the Sun adds to that of the Moon, therefore, the tides are large.
Neap tide: It is a tide of minimum range that happens when the Moon and the Sun are in quadrature.
Spring and summer tides happen twice during each lunar cycle, that is, 28 days.
Lunar tides: The moon to be closer to Earth, is the cause of the tides. The bodies of water are exposed to centrifugal force, therefore, the level of the tide that is produced is the result of the combination of these two forces (centrifugal + gravitational).
Solar tides: Its position depends on the positions of the Sun and the Moon. In periods of new and full moon, when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned, the solar and lunar waves coincide.
Living tides: The heights of the living tides are governed by the distance from the Moon to the Earth, being the largest during the Perigee, and smaller during the apogee.
Neap tide: This condition is defined as the time in which the line from Earth to the Moon is at right angles to the line that goes from Earth to the Sun. Therefore, the effects produced by the tides of the Sun and the Moon cancel each other out.