What following ? actually the cell will gain more water by diffusion and will let more sodium chloride ions in because they will move from high concentration to low concentration
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[ Explanation ]
Physiology is the study of the functions and mechanisms in which your body works. It is how your body keeps you alive and how each part functions differently. It is how your organs, organ systems and cells keep you alive. They all perform different functions, but they all work together. It is almost like a car. Each part is different. The brakes stop the car, the gas makes the car go, this does this and that does that. However, even though they are all different, they all have one job; to make the car go from one location to the other. Physiology is the study of how each organ or cell does it's job. They explore deeper and reveal it's actual function.
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Myofibril. Thick filaments consist of myosin, held in place by titin filaments