Terminating decimal:
Repeating decimal:
-2/9 = -0.22222222... or -0.2 with an overline over the 2(that's how you notate a repeating decimal)
So base on your question that ask to provide and end point of the four statement you give:
1.Endpoint(-1,9), midpoint:(-9,-10) - (-17, -29)
2.Endpoint(2,5), midpoint(5,1) - (4,5)
3.Endpoint(9,-10), midpoint(4,8) - i cant determine sorry
4.Find the point that is one-fourth of the way from (2,4) to (10,8) - also i cant.
notice, is an arithmetic sequence, simply adding 6 to get the next term's value.
The main difference between a prism and a pyramid is that a prism has two bases, while the pyramid only has one.
The surface area of a prism is equal to the sum of the area of its bases and the lateral area
The total surface area of a regular pyramid is the sum of the areas of its lateral faces and its base