Think carefully about what the following quote might imply about the character and choose the most appropriate answer in the con
text of the play, An Enemy of the People. "The burden on the poor rates has been lightened, to the great relief of the propertied classes; and that relief will be even greater if only we get a really good summer this year, and lots of visitors-- plenty of invalids, who will make the Baths talked about." (Peter Stockman) A. Peter is genuinely concerned about all the people in the community B. Peter is only concerned with the poorer classes and is not interested in the welfare of the upper classes C. Peter is only concerned with the welfare of the invalids and how quickly they can be healed D. Peter is only concerned with the upper classes and his own pocketbook
D. Peter is only concerned with the upper classes and his own pocketbook
Peter is only concerned with the uper classes and his own pocketbook, as you can read in the excerpt he expresses about the poorest and the invalid, with a kind of derogatory attitude towards them, wanting their visits only so the baths are talked about and become more popular.
Understanding slope means understanding two things: steepness and direction. In math, steeper means bigger so the slope of that line is bigger than the slope of the second skater's line. ... You may also notice that the skaters are going down the ramp from the left to the right.