In order, your numbers are
22, 45, 75, 89, 89, 95, 100
The median is the number that is in the middle numbers of all your numbers. The median is 89, since it is in the very middle.
The mean is all your numbers added together and then divided by how ever many numbers you have. 22 + 45 + 75 + 89 + 89 + 95 + 100 = 515. Since you have 7 numbers, you would divide 515 by 7, which equals 73.5. The mean is 73.5.
The mode is the number that has the most numbers(not sure how to word it) Since 89 has two of the numbers, and no other numbers have duplicates, your mode is 89.
How big is the book?
If it has more than 96 pages remaining 25% each night is quicker if it has less that 96 or less remaining 24 pages a night is faster
Step-by-step explanation:
Try this solution:
The correct answer is 'a' only, where x= -4;-1 and y= -6;-21
The answer is 4 because there r three 3 2s