The conch reflects culture and harmony in the movies or story 'Lord of the Flies' and has been used to decide who can speak. Jack's assumption that once the beast arrives, the conch no longer cares has a foundation in tradition.
B. They farmed corn, hunted, and lived in villages. <em>The indians´s lifestyle in the eastern region was simple. The Eastern Woodland Culture consisted of Indian tribes inhabiting the eastern United States and Canada. </em>
The Adena and Hopewell were the earliest historic Eastern Woodland inhabitants. They were hunters and gatherers who erected seasonal camps. They lived in villages and supplemented their diet with cultivated plants. Later peoples of the Eastern Woodlands included the Illinois, Iroquois, Shawnee and a number of Algonkian-speaking peoples. Eastern Woodland tribes´s societies were typically divided into classes (a chief, children, the nobility and commoners).
The natives were deer-hunters and farmers. The men made bows and arrows, stone knives and war clubs. The women tended garden plots where beans, corn, pumpkin, squash and tobacco were cultivated. The diet of deer meat was supplemented by shellfish.
It expands the ideas of the Declaration of Independence because it is built on the idea that all people are created equal and have inalienable rights and it presents how these rights were taken away from women historically and how legislature should be changed in order to make sure everyone has equal rights.