To investigate something on the computer or any information.
It is very important how we look at things.
Everyone grows and evolves with the experiences in our life. But at times, these experiences hold us back in performing something. May be our family, our fears might alter our decisions in doing something. But it is very important that to move ahead in life, we need to take our instinct very seriously.
Even though we did not have a good experience on something in the past, doesn’t mean it will repeat. We need to have a positive point of view and go ahead. If we look at it positively and with determination, we can defeat our fears and be successful.
He did not have long to wait. On March 12, having given the Viceroy an extra day, Gandhi and seventy-eight others left his ashram and began to walk the two hundred miles to the seacoast. There, he declared, he would take a pinch of salt from the Indian Ocean, thus violating the laws of the Empire, which declared that only the British could harvest salt.