I would say that punctuation, ie a comma , would precede the block quotation to set it apart and then quotation marks would be used to show that it is a quotation, both at the beginning and end of the passage. Quotations are good to show exactly what the author quoted meant so there is no doubt and which can then be accurately commented on.
The principle of ¨dont say or do anything online that you wouldnt do face to face" is basically saying you shouldnt say something to someone online just because youre hidden behind you screen, it could still be offensive and really damage someone´s self esteem and confidence. Another reason is that colleges can look back through your social media account and things that you have said online which helps determine their decision on whether or not they choose to accept you. In conclusion you should definitely think before you put something on the internet for all to see.
The correct answer is that this sentence tells us about Gatsby and the West egg culture is the extravagants and luxury which Gatsby lives by.HE would have so much, from the best but it would all go to waste.