1-3, 2-1, 3-2 that should be the correct order
قغڈڈءھفسےظظقءغد ضنمطحططچدچدچدصططصطصضصطشططصصططشظشطسمسططججطجطجططجطثجططچخشخنشمثندوڈزوڈس عف حخحزعخعح خز حد حخغز۔ ض خغحز
This one is easy! the answer is A
I hope u can see the middle good if not I could send u another pic
i got one!
It could be about solving a murder mystery!
It could be about your life!
It could be about a long-lost princess, and her journey to discover who she truly is
try thinking outside the box, and something your teacher would like :)